About USS

Official Charge
The Undergraduate Student Senate shall be representative of the entire undergraduate student body and have the authority and responsibility to act on their behalf through legislative recommendations concerning campus life; academic and learning environment equity; undergraduate student health and wellness; dissemination of a portion of the student activity fee to registered student organizations; matters of equity, inclusion, and access that affect undergraduate students; and the learning conditions of the undergraduate student body.
To be the national leader for collegiate student governance through impactful legislation, collaborative advocacy, and exemplary character.
Through servant leadership, meaningful advocacy, and the empowerment of the undergraduate student body, the Undergraduate Student Senate delivers a higher quality of life and inclusive representation for every Hokie.
- Approachability
- Accessibility
- Representation
- Stewardship
- Integrity
USS Org Chart
- CUSA is one of the Commissions within the university shared governance model that has a direct role in formulating policy recommendations that can be advance to the University Council.
- CUSA is charge is to study, formulate, and recommend to the Undergraduate Student Senate policies and procedures pertaining to the undergraduate student experience at Virginia Tech. Areas for consideration include undergraduate student well-being, inclusion, and morale; undergraduate student relations with peers, staff, faculty, administrators, alumni, and the community; policy matters related to undergraduate student conduct; undergraduate student organizations, social life, and recreation; employment, placement, and counseling; and residential and campus life, health, safety, and quality of undergraduate student related services.
- To learn about the shared governance model at Virginia Tech and ways to get involved, please visit the shared governance website.
The Issues and Policy Committee is responsible for improving the student experience by crafting legislation related to the student experience and University policy that is rooted in research, understanding, and the undergraduate student voice.
The Communications and Marketing Committee is responsible for all external communications and marketing for the USS. This includes graphics, photography and videography, and interviews to provide necessary updates and information to the undergraduate student body.
The Special Programs Committee shall be tasked with planning events and programs that align with the USS mission and serve to connect with undergraduate students.
The Membership Development committee is responsible for the on-boarding and training processes, hosting social and developmental opportunities, and executing the end of year banquet and awards ceremony for all USS members.
The Administration Committee shall be tasked with ensuring the general functionality of the organization is smooth and efficient, the maintenance of the USS office, assisting the Cabinet with administrative duties, and management of all internal communication.
The Appropriations Committee is responsible for overseeing the distribution and allocation of a portion of the Student Activity Fee to undergraduate registered student organizations (RSOs) and communicating funding deadlines, policy updates, and other critical information.
The Accountability Committee is responsible for tracking Senator office hour completion and attendance for Senator engagements to help ensure members are fulfilling their role requirements and serving the undergraduate student body.
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee creates, edits, and reviews legislation as it pertains to diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice. This committee also connects with underrepresented and marginalized constituents on campus to provide support and share perspectives about the experiences offered to our students with administrators to foster a sense of belonging at Virginia Tech.
Learn More
To learn more about each position within USS: