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USS Spring Election

Spring Election Timeline

  • January 22–February 25: Applications are open
  • February 26–29: Eligibility Checks
  • March 11-24: Campaigning Timeframe
    • *See the election rulebook for specific expectations and rules.
  • March 18–24: Election Week
  • March 19: Cabinet Debate at 6:30 p.m. in Haymarket Theatre
  • March 26: Results are certified and made public
  • April 15: Inauguration
  • May 9: New Officers Take Power


Cabinet Positions

The USS President chairs USS Senate meetings, represents undergraduate students in administration interactions, oversees Cabinet, creates ad hoc committees, issues executive communications, and participates in the University Council.

The VP for I&P chairs the Issues and Policy Committee, reviews legislation for alignment with governing documents, serves as the Senate parliamentarian, and participates in the University Council.

The VP for Shared Governance chairs the Commission for Undergraduate Student Affairs, coordinates undergraduate student appointments to university committees, and participates in the University Council.

The VP for E&I chairs the Equity and Inclusion Committee, reviews legislation on matters pertaining to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, oversees the Director of Governmental relations and annual advocacy trips.

The Vice President for Finance serves as the Chair of the USS Appropriations Committee and oversees the Hokie Effect program. The VP for Finance also serves as the Chair of SAFAB. This joint committee between the USS and GSBB manages the appropriation strategy to all student organizations and is a policy board that strives to fund organizations in a fair and equitable manner.

The VP for Administration chairs the Administration committee, oversees internal communication channels, maintains all legislative records, and oversees the Directors of Communications and Marketing and Membership Development.

Elected Senator Positions

Senators represent various constituencies, participate in Senate discussions and legislative actions, collaborate with USS Cabinet members, and serve on USS Committees and University Committees and Commissions.

Represent the general undergraduate student body. They focus on broader university issues, work on initiatives that impact all students, and engage with a variety of student groups and committees.

Represent specific colleges within the university. Their responsibilities include voicing the concerns and interests of their college's students, participating in relevant committees, and facilitating communication between their academic college and the USS.