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Article II: Purpose

The purpose of the Undergraduate Student Senate is to improve the undergraduate student experience by consistently demonstrating Ut Prosim (That I May Serve) and servant leadership in all endeavors; to represent and promote the values of Virginia Polytechnic and State University in formulating and implementing university policy; and to assist Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in its efforts to:

  • Provide an environment conducive to the pursuit of learning, scholarship, research, and service that promotes inclusion, wellbeing, and a sense of belonging for all undergraduate students.
  • Anticipate and meet the social, academic and developmental needs of all undergraduate students in a manner that enhances welcoming and inclusive community for undergraduate students at each Virginia Tech campus.

The Undergraduate Student Senate is part of the legislative system defined in the University Council Constitution. This system constitutes the main bodies for policy formation at Virginia Tech and also includes the A/P Faculty Senate, the Staff Senate, the Faculty Senate, the Graduate and Professional Student Senate, the university and senate commissions and their related committees, and the University Council. Domains of responsibility for each senate are outlined in Article VII of the University Council Constitution. The senate commissions formulate and recommend policies to the senates, which in turn recommend policies to the University Council; the university commissions formulate and recommend policies directly to the University Council. All senates have at least one commission assigned to them. The University Council makes policy recommendations to the president. Final authority rests with the president of the university and the Board of Visitors. Because these bodies constitute a legislative system, their functions, relationships, and the processes they hold in common are defined in the University Council Constitution and Bylaws. All aspects of the Undergraduate Student Senate not defined in those documents are defined in the USS Constitution and Bylaws.

USS policy recommendations are advanced in the form of resolutions as described in Article III of the University Council Bylaws; Article VII, Section 4 of the USS Constitution; and Articles VIII and IX of the USS Bylaws.