Members of the USS Cabinet are elected by the Virginia Tech undergraduate student body.
The Vice President and Representative to the Board of Visitors is selected by the Board of Visitors. They are not elected.
A special election shall be held during Cabinet vacancies.
Section 2: Eligibility
All members of the USS Cabinet must:
(With exceptions for the Vice President and Representative to the Board of Visitors)
Be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student at the Blacksburg campus, be in good academic standing, and be in good standing with the Honor System and Student Conduct at the time of application and throughout the entire term.
Attend an election information session and complete a pre-campaign interview process with the Senior Advisor for the USS and their appointed Cabinet Elections Panel.
Serve for at least one year as a member of the USS.
Section 3: Duties and Responsibilities
All members of the USS Cabinet must:
Remain actively engaged in Senate meetings, activities, and committee meetings.
Be capable of upholding administrative duties as needed during periods when classes are not in session.
Be able to demonstrate a clear and enthusiastic commitment to servant leadership.
Serve as champions of the undergraduate student experience at Virginia Tech
Lead the USS with integrity and in a manner that demonstrates UT Prosim and the Ten Characteristics of Servant Leadership at all times.
Attend all Senate meetings, cabinet meetings, committee meetings, and retreats.
Can miss with the approval of the President.
Meet regularly with the Deputy Advisor for the Undergraduate Student Senate.
Hold a minimum of five office hours a week.
Section 4: Term of Office
Cabinet terms will fulfill one (1) academic year. Cabinet members may run for reelection.
If a cabinet member enters office after inauguration, their term still ends at the next inauguration.
Section 5: President
Duties and Responsibilities:
The President will:
Convene and preside over all Senate meetings.
Call the Senate into special session when necessary.
Engage with the administration and other shared governance leaders as the chief representative for the undergraduate students.
Fulfill additpional requirements as requested by university officials.
Hold individual meetings with each member of the Cabinet as well as a weekly all-Cabinet meeting.
Create meeting agendas for Senate and Cabinet meetings.
Engage regularly with student organizations to continuously and equitably provide support opportunities.
Create ad hoc committees and positions as needed and notify the Senate of their creation at the following Senate meeting.
Provide communications relating to topics of importance to the community via executive letters that can be shared through VT Student News, email, Canvas, and social media platforms as needed.
Share the document with the Cabinet for an opportunity for review prior to release.
Coordinate with the Vice President for Inclusive and Strategic Affairs on the creation and distribution of executive letters relating to DEI-specific issues.
If the President does not approve an executive letter written by the VP for Inclusive and Strategic Affairs, the decision to release should be made by the Deputy Director of the USS with input from the Cabinet.
Serve as a voting member of the University Council, per the University Council Constitution.
Serve as a voting member on the University Council Cabinet.
Serve as a voting member on the External Awards Committee per Policy 12015.
Serve as a voting member on the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV)
Serve as a voting member on the Student Activity Fee Allocation Board (SAFAB).
Represent USS on Order of the Gavel, the University President’s Advisory Council, and VPSA Core Leadership.
In coordination with the Deputy Director and Vice President for Shared Governance, appoint senators to serve on university committees, commissions, and task forces.
Appoint representatives to committees outside of shared governance upon request.
Report to the Senior Advisor regularly.
Section 6: Vice President for Issues and Policy
Duties and Responsibilities:
The Vice President for Issues and Policy will:
Oversee the Issues and Policy Committee.
Appoint a Vice Chair for the Issues & Policy Committee.
Read, edit, and facilitate legislation as it pertains to the undergraduate student body’s well-being and overall improvement of the student experience.
Be responsible for reviewing all legislation to ensure it aligns with the governing documents before it is presented.
Serve as the Senate parliamentarian during Senate meetings.
Assist USS Representatives in finding and meeting with the appropriate stakeholders.
Oversee the Director for Special Programs and their respective committee.
Serve as a voting member of the University Council, per the University Council Constitution.
Serve as a voting member of SCHEV if selected.
Report to the USS President.
Section 7: Vice President for Shared Governance
Duties and Responsibilities:
The Vice President for Shared Governance will:
Serve as the Chair for the Commission for Undergraduate Student Affairs (CUSA).
In coordination with the Deputy Director and President, create, distribute, and review undergraduate student applications to serve on university committees, commissions, and task forces.
Hold USS members on shared governance commissions and committees accountable for their attendance and information distribution post-meeting.
May be enforced by use of a form for senators to fill out.
Report to the Senate with all pertinent governing information following each CUSA and University Council meeting.
Serve as a voting member of the University Council, per the University Council Constitution.
Serve on Order of the Gavel.
Report to the USS President.
Section 8: Vice President for Inclusive & Strategic Affairs
Duties and Responsibilities:
The Vice President for Inclusive & Strategic Affairs will:
Chair the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.
Oversee the Director and Assistant Director of Governmental Relations.
Write executive letters to be shared with the undergraduate student body on matters pertaining to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility with the approval of the President and/or Cabinet.
If the President does not approve an executive letter written by the VP for Inclusive and Strategic Affairs, the decision to release should be made by the Deputy Director of the USS with input from the Cabinet.
Serve as the chief student representative for all undergraduate students regarding matters pertaining to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Meet regularly with UCSO senators & UCSO leaders to maintain up-to-date knowledge of projects, issues, and events to provide support opportunities.
Serve as the point of contact for events that are delegated by the University Office of Inclusion & Diversity that fall within the charge and scope of this position
Meet with the University Vice President for Strategic Affairs & Diversity monthly.
Coordinate with Membership Development to ensure offerings of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training programs for USS members.
Support all members of the Senate to ensure equitable opportunities for recruitment and accurate representation of the undergraduate student body.
Work in tandem with the Vice President for Issues and Policy when editing, facilitating, and reviewing legislation.
Review every piece of legislation concerning applications for diverse, equitable, and inclusive opportunities.
Make recommendations to authors to include, expand, or improve the aforementioned principal values.
Report to the USS President.
Section 9: Vice President for Administration
Duties and Responsibilities:
The Vice President for Administration will:
Chair the Administration committee.
Oversee the Director of Communications and Marketing, Director of Membership Development, the director of Public Relations, and their respective committees.
Maintain multiple communication channels within the organization.
Oversee all internal communications (including meeting minutes) through the Administration Committee.
Maintain all legislative and other records for the Senate.
Reserve space for USS-related meetings.
Coordinate with the USS President to distribute meeting agendas prior to Senate meetings.
Coordinate the scheduling of guest speakers at USS events and meetings.
Report to the USS President.
Section 10: Vice President for Finance
Duties and Responsibilities:
The Vice President for Finance will:
Serve as Chair of the Appropriations Committee.
Oversee the Director of Finance.
Oversee the Director and Assistant Directors of Hokie Effect.
Serve as the Chair of the Student Activity Fee Allocation Board (SAFAB).
Prepare and provide as-requested meetings.
Prepare the USS Annual Budget with input from the Director for Finance and the Deputy Director for the USS.
Inform UCSO members about the annual budgeting process.
Report to the USS President.
Section 11: Vice President and Representative to the Board of Visitors (BOV)
The Vice President and Representative for the BOV must:
Adhere to eligibility requirements previously listed for all Cabinet members.
Be appointed by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The Vice President and Representative for the BOV will:
Complete duties as outlined by the Board of Visitors.
Conduct regular focus groups with undergraduate students to elevate student topics of concern to the BOV for better understanding of the undergraduate experience.
Meet with the Deans of the colleges if necessary to discuss college-specific student concerns.
Serve as the undergraduate representative to the University Board of Visitors (BOV).
Report to the Board of Visitors at the BOV quarterly meetings
Serve as a voting member of the University Council, per the University Council Constitution.
Serve as a voting member on SCHEV if selected.
Serve on Order of the Gavel, the University President’s Advisory Council, and VPSA Core Leadership.
Serve as the Chair of the Accountability Committee.
Forward information to the advising team regarding instances of attendance discrepancies.
Serve as a resource for Senators to communicate matters relating to attendance.
Meet regularly with the Senior Advisor to the Undergraduate Student Senate.