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Article XI: USS Budget & Finance

Section 1: Funding Requests


  1. Any representative who wishes to apply for the use of internal funds must:
    1. Notify the Director of Finance of their request, including the amount requested and what the funds will be used for.
    2. Provide a member of the advising team with an itemized list of requests including item costs, links to purchase items, and an invoice.
      1. For reimbursements, provide the Director of Finance with an itemized list of purchases and a receipt.
        1. Purchases must be pre-approved by the Director of Finance in order to receive reimbursement.
  2. Any representative who wishes to reallocate any funds between pools must:
    1. Notify the Vice President for Finance of their request, including the amount requested and what the funds will be used for. Information must include:
      1. The purpose of the funds.
      2. Justification for the reallocation.
      3. Relation of the fund transfer to the mission of the USS.
      4. An itemized budget outlining the proposed use of the funds
    2. The Vice President for Finance will review the information and confer with the Deputy Director for the USS prior to issuing their notice of their decision in the form of an email to the author with a member of the advising team included.
      1. If the request represents a reallocation amount of more than $1,000, the Vice President for Finance will present the topic and request information to the USS as a New Business item that requires a majority vote decision.
        1. If the reallocation is approved by majority vote, the Vice President for Finance will move forward with the reallocation process.
        2. If the reallocation is denied by majority vote, the Vice President for Finance will notify the author.
          • Authors will have one (1) opportunity to re-request the allocation with revisions to the initial proposal.
    3. After a reallocation event has taken place, the author of the approved request of more than $1,000 must present an after-action review to the USS. If the amount was under $1,000 and was therefore not brought to USS for approval, a summary must be sent to the Vice President for Finance that addresses:
      1. If the funded amount was sufficient.
      2. Steps that can be taken to improve the event going forward, if it is to be continual.


  1. Allocation to Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) and University Student Life Programs (USLPs)
    1. RSOs and USLPs in need of funding can first complete the USS Appropriations Funding Workshop, available through the Student Organization Funding website.
    2. After the workshop has been completed, the representative(s) may submit a Budget Request form which is available on GobblerConnect.
    3. Once the form has been received, the Appropriations Committee will review the submitted information and approve or deny the request by majority vote.
      1. Decision parameters for funding requests can be found on the Student Organization website under USS Appropriations Policy and Procedure.
    4. Allocation to University Chartered Student Organizations (UCSOs)
      1. UCSOs in need of funding must first complete the UCSO Funding Workshop, available through the Student Organization Funding website.
      2. After the workshop has been completed, the representative(s) may submit a Budget Request form which is available on GobblerConnect.
      3. Once the form has been received, the Student Activity Fee Allocation Board (SAFAB) will review the submitted information and approve or deny the request by majority vote.
        1. Decision parameters for funding requests can be found on the Student Organization website under SAFAB Policy and Procedure.

Major Projects Fund

  1. Use of funds from the Major Projects Fund line item in the USS Annual Budget requires approval from the Senate.
    1. This fund is for projects with a minimum cost of five thousand dollars ($5,000).
      1. In years in which Hokie Effect net revenue exceeds sixty-five thousand ($65,000), seven (7%) percent of the total net revenue will be allocated to this fund.
    2. Proposals for use of the Major Projects Fund must be co-signed by at least one current USS Senator prior to being sent to the Vice President for Finance for approval.
      1. If the Vice President for Finance does not provide their approval, the authors may re-submit the proposal with changes.
    3. Proposals require the following information:
      1. A description of the proposed project.
      2. Relation of the project to the mission of the USS.
      3. The purpose of the funds.
      4. An itemized budget outlining the proposed use of the funds.
      5. A description of how or why the proposed initiative would improve or uplift the student experience.
    4. After receiving approval from the Vice President for Finance, the proposal may be presented during New Business to the USS.
      1. Proposals require only one reading prior to entering the voting procedures.
    5. Proposals which receive a majority affirmative vote in the USS will be enacted by the Vice President for Finance through the allocation of funds to the designated project.

Section 2: Student Activity Fee Allocation Board (SAFAB)

  1. The Student Activities Fee Allocation Board (SAFAB) is a joint committee of the Undergraduate Student Senate (USS) and Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS). The SAFAB manages the appropriations strategy to all student organizations by allocating funds to all University Chartered Student Organizations (UCSOs) and to the USS Appropriations Committee and the Graduate Student Budget Board (GSBB). Additionally, the SAFAB manages the allocation process to individual University Chartered Student Organizations (UCSOs). The SAFAB is a policy board that strives to fund organizations in a fair and equitable manner. Funds allocated through the SAFAB are meant to enrich the experiences and exposure of the undergraduate student body (both undergraduate and graduate) during their time at Virginia Tech. The SAFAB will have the following Membership:
    1. USS Vice President for Finance
      1. The Chair of SAFAB
    2. GPSS Director of Finance
      1. Vice Chair of SAFAB
    3. USS President
    4. GPSS President
    5. One representative from the GSBB
    6. One representative from the USS Appropriations Committee