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Article X: Legislative Paths

The steps involved in order to write resolutions for policy, resolutions for student experience, acts, and bills, is in the USS Procedural Document.

  • Changes to titles of USS members or committees that are not accompanied by a significant role change may be made without following the amendment procedures.

Section 1: Veto of Resolutions for Student Experience

  1. No later than two (2) business days after a resolution has been passed by the USS, one (1) or more cabinet members may make a request for the President to call an emergency Cabinet meeting to discuss vetoing the legislation.
  2. The President must convene the cabinet to consider the request within two business days of notification.
  3. After discussing the legislation in question and related concerns, the cabinet will vote on the veto.
    1. All cabinet members must participate in the vote. A veto is sustained by a two-thirds (⅔) affirmative vote of the cabinet, (5) out of the seven (7) cabinet members.
  4. At the following USS meeting, the cabinet must present a statement that explains why they chose to veto the legislation.
  5. After this presentation, the USS members will be provided the opportunity for a Q&A and discussion.
  6. Upon the completion of the Q&A and discussion, a vote will take place on the question of overturning the veto.
    1. In all instances except changes to the USS Constitution and/or Bylaws, the veto can be overturned by a majority (over ½) affirmative vote provided that quorum has been achieved.
      1. To overturn a veto of the USS Constitution and/or Bylaws requires a ⅔ majority vote.
  7. An affirmative vote to reverse the cabinet veto cannot be overturned.
    1. The veto may be reintroduced during the following academic semester if appropriate.

Section 2: Legislative Record

  1. There shall be one (1) physical copy of all introduced legislation in a binder titled “The Legislative Record of the Undergraduate Student Senate” within the USS office.
    1. This record shall be organized in chronological order and divided into passed and failed legislation.
    2. The legislative record shall be maintained by the Vice President for Administration.
  2. At the end of the academic year, the file shall be bound and titled “Legislative Record of the Undergraduate Student Senate of Virginia Tech for the Academic Year XXXX- XXXX.”