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Article VII: USS Committees

All USS committees stated below shall be chaired by either a Vice-President or a Director. Senators will be sorted into committees at the beginning of their terms. If a senator wishes to change their committee assignment, they should contact their committee chair and the Vice President for Administration. In all cases, the number of committee members is subject to change based upon current cohort size.

Section 1: Issues and Policy Committee

  1. Duties and responsibilities:
    1. Improve the student experience by building relationships and creating pathways with the undergraduate student body and crafting legislation related to the student experience and University policy.
      1. Written legislation should be rooted in research, understanding, and the undergraduate student voice.
      2. This should include, but not be limited to, campus development, academic affairs, student health & wellness, and equity & inclusion.
      3. Cross-campus efforts should be discussed with the appropriate administrators, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders to ensure advocacy efforts align with current and upcoming university operations.
    2. Ensure that all legislation that comes through adheres to the USS Constitution and Bylaws.
    3. Take action on matters that do not require legislative action by collaborating with stakeholders and relaying information to the USS and the undergraduate student body.

Section 2: Administration Committee

  1. Duties and responsibilities:
    1. Facilitate Senate meeting functions including but not limited to:
      1. Coordination with Event and Production services
      2. Distribution of name tags
      3. Arrangement of the podium, gavel, tablecloth(s), etc.
    2. Record minutes during Senate meetings to be included in the meeting agenda.
    3. Maintain all internal communication structures (meeting reminders, weekly emails, important updates).
    4. Organize, store, and track all documents (including legislation) both digital and physical for the USS.
    5. Maintain the USS office, including supply orders, work orders, and tenant relations with Student Engagement and Campus Life.
    6. Regularly check the USS email account and forward the information to the relevant USS members.
    7. Serve as the primary authorized contact for the purposes of room reservations.

Section 3: Communications and Marketing Committee

  1. Duties and responsibilities:
    1. Create marketing materials and external communication including but not limited to:
      1. Graphics
      2. Photography & Videography
      3. Interviews
    2. Ensure compliance with Virginia Tech licensing guidelines.
    3. Design marketing materials to be ordered by the Vice President for Administration and/or Director of Communications & Marketing.
    4. Work with the USS advising team to design and procure all necessary print media.
    5. To ensure consistent marketing efforts, at least one (1) representative must serve as a liaison to Membership Development; Special Programs; Issues & Policy; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; University Governance; Hokie Effect; and Finance - including Appropriations.

Section 4: Accountability Committee

  1. Duties and responsibilities:
    1. Track attendance for senator engagements such as Senate meetings to note senators who do not meet attendance requirements.
      1. Monitor excused absences and the Master Attendance Tracker.
      2. Notify members of their current accountability standing in advance of needing to meet with the Graduate Advisor.
    2. Communicate expectations of office hours with senators.
      1. Check in with Senators to ensure office hours are being completed.
    3. Work with Membership Development to increase and maintain attendance.
    4. Check in with Senators to ensure missed Senate/Committee rules are being fulfilled.

Section 5: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

  1. Duties and responsibilities:
    1. Review, sponsor, and generate USS legislation, programs, practices, and policies with applications for diverse, equitable, and inclusive opportunities.
    2. Work with the Membership Development Committee to invite speakers and create professional development programs for meetings and/or events that will improve community knowledge of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
    3. Contribute to the ExperienceVT initiative through perspective sharing about the experiences offered to our students to foster a sense of belonging at Virginia Tech.

Section 6: Membership Development Committee

  1. Duties and responsibilities:
    1. Design and implement necessary on-boarding and training materials and processes for all USS representatives.
    2. Host at least two (2) advisor-approved social events for USS representatives per semester.
    3. Host at least two (2) advisor-approved developmental events for USS representatives per semester.
    4. Create and execute an annual end of year banquet and award ceremony.
    5. Compile, store, and oversee the creation of transition packets for UCSO senators and all Directors.

Section 7: Appropriations Committee

  1. Consists of at least 7 but no more than 11 senators
    Duties and responsibilities:
    1. To allocate funds from the Student Activity Fee to Registered Student Organizations on campus.
      1. Approve or deny RSO Funding Requests.
    2. Communicate consistently with student organizations regarding funding deadlines, policy updates, and other critical information.
    3. Consistently evaluate policy for best practices, biases, and opportunities to enhance student organization needs.

Section 8: Special Programs Committee

  1. Duties and responsibilities:
    1. Create and execute external events and programs on the behalf of the USS that align with the USS mission. Programs may include, but are not limited to, welcome week events, governance forums, and town halls.
      1. Events and programs should be designed to align with the topics being discussed between USS committees and the student body.