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Article V: Senators

Section 1: Appointment

  1. Senators are elected or appointed undergraduate student representatives who advocate and work on behalf of their specified constituency to improve the undergraduate student experience. The four (4) kinds of senators are defined in the USS Constitution.
    1. At-large senators are elected by all undergraduate students.
    2. College senators are elected by their respective college.
    3. University Chartered Student Organization (USCO) senators are appointed by their respective USCO.
    4. Corps of Cadets senators are appointed by the Corps.
    5. Residential Well Being Senators are elected by undergraduate students in their respective residential districts.
    6. Living Learning Program (LLP) senators will be elected by undergraduate students in their designated Living Learning Program constituencies.
  2. The Cabinet will host applications, interviews, and a vote to appoint undergraduate applicants for vacant senator positions post-election.

Section 2: Eligibility

  1. Senators must be:
    1. Enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student at the Blacksburg campus and in good standing academically and with the Honor System and Student Conduct at the time of application and throughout the entire term.
    2. Able to physically attend meetings and other role engagements.

Section 3: Duties and Responsibilities

  1. All senators will:
    1. Demonstrate Ut Prosim (That I May Serve) at all times.
    2. Practice active servant leadership by creating avenues for student constituents to share, discuss, and explore needs and interests related to the undergraduate student experience
    3. Communicate and actively represent the needs and concerns of student constituents in all Senate discussions and legislative actions.
    4. Collaborate with USS Cabinet members, Directors, Senators, administrators, and other shared governance stakeholders to improve the student experience.
    5. Serve on a USS Committee.
    6. Engage as a voting representative in the USS on behalf of student constituents.
    7. Attend every Senate meeting, committee meeting, onboarding, and retreat.
    8. Hold a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.
    1. Market office hours to their designated constituencies.
  2. All College senators must:
    1. Meet with their respective Dean or Associate Dean at least once per semester.
  3. All Residential Well Being senators must:
    1. Meet with the Director of Residential Well Being or designee once a semester.
    2. Host two public forums per semester for their respective district.
    3. Hold office hours marketed towards their designated constituency.
  4. All Living Learning Program senators must:
    1. Serve as a liaison between the Office of Living Learning Programs (OLLP) and the USS through regular meetings with OLLP professional staff members.
    2. Demonstrate knowledge of the experiences, missions, and goals of the LLPs in which they represent.
    3. Connect with one LLP each week in order to deepen commitment and understanding of their unique program through one-on-one conversations, attendance at events, and presence in those communities.
    4. Communicate with any designated representatives from the LLPs which the Senator(s) are elected to serve.
    5. Hold office hours marketed towards their designated constituency.
    6. Meet once a semester with the Director or Living Learning Programs.

Section 4: Term of Office

  1. Senator terms will fulfill one (1) academic year. Senators may run for reelection.
    1. If a senator enters office after inauguration, their term still ends at the next inauguration.