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Article V: Membership and Eligibility to Vote

Section 1: Student Membership

  • All undergraduate students at Virginia Tech are members of this organization.
  • All enrolled undergraduate students are eligible to vote in USS elections and referendums. When voting for college senators (see article IV, section d) within the USS, only undergraduate students who are currently enrolled within that college will be able to vote for their college senator.
  • Members reserve the right to attend, participate, and engage in senate meetings and affairs to the extent that they are willing. However, daily operations, executive, and legislative actions will be the responsibility of the USS senators alone.
  • USS Senators vote on all resolutions that come before the USS senatorial body.

Section 2: Non-Discrimination Policy

Recognizing that Virginia Tech is an important part of Blacksburg, Montgomery County, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the United States, it should be incumbent upon every member to participate in activities that contribute to overall community well-being. Active members shall:

  • Honor Virginia Tech’s Principles of Community and respect all members of the community.
  • Adhere to Virginia Tech’s Non-Discrimination Statement contained in Presidential Policy Memorandum 112.