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Article VIII: Representation in University Governance

In order to advance the institutional vision for shared governance, the Undergraduate Student Senate shall participate in the University Council and other university-level bodies. The USS shall maintain representation on the University Council, senate and university commissions, and university standing committees.

Section 1: University Council

  1. The University Council acts as the apex body for policy recommendations to the President of the University and the Board of Visitors. The Undergraduate Student Senate’s four (4) ex officio representatives on the University Council, who are expected to discuss or present policies or issues that affect the undergraduate student body, are the USS President, Vice President for Issues & Policy, Vice President and Representative to the Board of Visitors, and Vice President for Shared Governance. Details of the USS membership on the University Council are found in the University Council Constitution.

Section 2: Commissions

  1. The Senates and university commissions are the primary bodies for policy formation at Virginia Tech. Every commission includes at least one (1) representative from each of the Senates as well as the administration. USS Senators shall be nominated to available commission seats through the application process enumerated in Article VIII, Section 4 of the USS Bylaws. Details of the USS membership on the commissions are found in the University Council Bylaws.

Section 3: University Standing Committees

  1. University standing committees are commissioned on a continual basis by the President of the University on recommendation of the University Council to deal with matters of university-wide interest. USS seats on university standing committees shall be held by an elected USS senator.
    These positions will be filled through the application process enumerated in Article VIII, Section 4 of the USS Bylaws. Details of the USS membership on university standing committees are found in the University Council Bylaws.

Section 4: Election and Responsibilities of University Governance Representatives

  1. USS representatives in university governance shall be a USS member and/or a member of the undergraduate student body. Except for ex officio positions and positions filled by means of appointment by the President of the University, these positions will be filled through an application and interview process with the USS President and Vice President for Shared Governance followed by a vote in the USS to ratify the selected panel of nominees.
    Prioritizing the interests of the undergraduate student body will always be the paramount responsibility of the university governance representatives. University governance representatives must attend all meetings of the council, commission, and/or committee they have been appointed to. Failure to attend a meeting must be reported to the Vice President for Shared Governance and attendance for university governance service will be evaluated by the policy in Article XII of the bylaws. To enhance transparency and accountability, all representatives will submit reports, per entity, to the Vice President of Shared Governance.
    In the event that a body itself does not define the term of membership, all appointments will end with the conclusion of the last meeting of the University Council in the spring semester.

Section 5: Application for University Governance Vacancies

  1. Candidates for university governance vacancies must undergo the process enumerated in Section 5 of this Article. Any member of the undergraduate student body is eligible to apply for these positions as long as they meet the eligibility requirements outlined in Article V, Section 1 of the USS constitution. If there are no applicants for a position and/or a position is still open thirty calendar days after the request from the Office of the Vice President for Policy and Governance for the USS service assignments, the Senior Advisor or designee may fill these vacancies directly, without utilizing the application process.