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Article IX: Amendments to the USS Constitution and/or Bylaws

Section 1. Development of Recommendations

The Senior Advisor for the Undergraduate Student Senate will convene an ad hoc committee to review recommended amendments to the USS Constitution and/or Bylaws. The ad hoc committee may include USS senators, members of the CUSA, students, faculty, staff and/or administrators. A two-thirds (2/3) affirmative of the ad hoc committee is required to advance amendments to the constitution and/or bylaws.

Section 2. Approval of Amendments to the USS Constitution

Upon approval by the ad hoc committee, proposed amendments to the USS Constitution proceed to the CUSA for development as a CUSA resolution and become effective upon the following sequence of actions:

  • An affirmative majority vote by the CUSA.
  • An affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of USS senators present and voting, provided that a quorum has been reached.
  • An affirmative vote in the University Council of the majority of members present and voting, provided that a quorum has been reached.
  • Approval by the president of the university.

Section 3. Approval of Amendments to the USS Bylaws

Upon approval by the ad hoc committee, an amendment to the USS Bylaws becomes effective upon an affirmative vote of the majority of the USS senators present and voting, provided that a quorum has been reached, and requires no further approval.

Section 4: Notice of Proposal

Notice of proposal to amend the USS Constitution or Bylaws shall be given in the senate agenda and considered at no fewer than two meetings of the senate prior to voting. The proposed amendment shall be distributed with the agenda.