The Undergraduate Student Senate will open a call for applicants to fill vacant Director and Assistant Director positions post-election.
USS Cabinet members will facilitate the appointment of Directors and Assistant Directors after a thorough interview process.
Should a position become vacant, the same process will be applied in the selection of a new Director or Assistant Director.
Students who serve as Directors or Assistant Directors may only fill one USS position at a time.
If a current USS senator accepts a director position, they are only a director and no longer a senator.
Section 2: Eligibility
Directors must be:
Enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student at the Blacksburg campus and in good standing academically and with the Honor System and Student Conduct at the time of application and throughout their term of service.
Able to physically attend meetings and other role engagements.
Section 3: Duties and Responsibilities
Directors are charged with overseeing and facilitating their designated committees and/or role requirements alongside their respective Vice President.
Adhoc Directors will serve for one academic year before official review of the position takes place.
Attend every Senate meeting, onboarding, and retreat.
Section 4: Term of Office
Director terms will fulfill one (1) academic year. They may apply to fill the role for another year.
If a director accepts the role after inauguration, their term still ends at the next inauguration.
Section 5: Director & Assistant Directors for Hokie Effect
Duties and responsibilities of the Director for Hokie Effect:
Serve as the primary representative for Hokie Effect. and represent it campus-wide.
Liaise with campus partners including but not limited to Follett, Athletics, Advancement, and University Relations.
Work with partners and advisors to select Hokie Effect games upon schedule release.
Work closely with USS Vice President for Finance, Director for Finance, and advisors to provide updates on sales and budget information.
Supervise, alongside the Advisor, two Assistant Directors and provide them with support and accountability.
Coordinate slogan selection and shirt design and gather student input.
In conjunction with USS leadership, annually select a VT fund to make donations to.
Review contracts and agreements alongside Advisor and Vice President for Finance to select vendors for shirts, if needed.
Attend all Hokie Effect meetings.
Meet regularly with the Advisor for Hokie Effect.
Work throughout the entire calendar year, including breaks in the academic calendar.
Duties and responsibilities of the Assistant Director for Hokie Effect for Engagement and Promotion:
Create, design, and implement promotional and engagement events related to Hokie Effect for student buy-in.
Work closely with Follett as a key collaborator.
Implement at least one (1) marketing event per Hokie Effect game.
Create and execute shirt release events for both Football and Basketball season.
Serve as main liaison between USS and Hokie Effect.
Secure volunteers for implementation of events.
Coordinate Hokie Effect Gobblerfest and Gobblerfair marketing.
Work closely with Assistant Director for Marketing and Design.
Meet regularly with the Director of Hokie Effect.
Meet regularly with the Advisor and Director of Hokie Effect.
Attend all Hokie Effect meetings.
Work throughout the entire calendar year, including breaks in the academic calendar.
Duties and responsibilities of the Assistant Director for Hokie Effect for Marketing and Design:
Create and execute an annual marketing plan for Hokie Effect that follows all VT Licensing Guidelines.
Create, design, and implement marketing opportunities on campus for Hokie Effect shirt releases and games.
Meet regularly with the Director of Communications and Marketing, or their designee, to ensure alignment with USS communications efforts.
Ensure marketing and communication efforts strongly align with University Relations and Athletics.
Work closely with the Hokie Effect Assistant Director for Engagement and Promotion.
Design and implement Hokie Effect social media campaigns with the USS Communications and Marketing Director and committee.
Meet regularly with the Director of Hokie Effect.
Meet regularly with the Advisor and Director of Hokie Effect.
Attend all Hokie Effect meetings.
Work throughout the entire calendar year, including breaks in the academic calendar.
Section 6: Director & Assistant Director for Governmental Relations
Duties and Responsibilities of the Director for Governmental Relations:
Meet regularly with the Assistant Director for Governmental Relations.
Manage, collaborate, and implement ACC Advocacy Day with other ACC leaders.
Represent the priorities of the Virginia Tech undergraduate body at local government meetings by serving as the point of contact for the Blacksburg Town Council and Town Gown.
Curate and implement opportunities for collaboration between the USS and policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels.
Report all governmental legislative items that may impact the operation of the Senate.
Meet at least once per semester with the university Vice President for Government and Community relations or their designee.
Report to the Vice President for Inclusive and Strategic Affairs.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Assistant Director for Governmental Relations:
Meet regularly with the Director for Governmental Relations.
Manage and implement Hokie Day.
Coordinate VA21 representation.
Collaborate with VT Engage (VTE) and other campus partners for the implementation of local, state, and federal voter engagement programs.
Coordinate with Student Engagement and Campus Life (SECL) on precincts for local, state, and federal voting.
Report to the Director of Governmental Relations.
Assist the Director for Governmental Relations with the execution of ACC Advocacy Day.
Section 7: Director for Membership Development
Duties and responsibilities:
Oversee and meet regularly with the Membership Development Committee.
Create and maintain onboarding materials for all Senators, Directors, Assistant Directors, and Vice Chairs.
Create opportunities for representatives to build leadership skills and competencies.
Organize advisor-approved USS general body retreats.
Organize social events with USS representatives to foster unity and bonding at least twice per semester.
Organize and facilitate recruitment to fill senator vacancies.
Meet with the Vice President for Administration regularly.
Section 8: Director for Special Programs
Duties and responsibilities:
Oversee and meet regularly with the Special Programs Committee.
Prepare and execute programs and events that relate specifically to the USS mission that are issue/goal specific and intended to get engagement and feedback from the larger student body.
Serve as a coordinator and resource for partnership programs.
Meet with the Vice President for Issues & Policy regularly.
Section 9: Director for Communications and Marketing
Duties and responsibilities:
Oversee and meet regularly with the Communications and Marketing Committee.
Manage and update all social media accounts.
Create additional social media accounts with approval of the Cabinet.
Create and implement a social media post schedule.
Create an annual marketing plan in conjunction with the Vice President for Administration and Cabinet.
Implement the plan with appropriate USS committees.
Designate committee liaison assignments to Communications & Marketing senators.
Review media requests and delegate coordinating marketing material generation assignments to senators.
Work closely with the Assistant Director of Hokie Effect to ensure consistent alignment of marketing and social media for Hokie Effect.
Create and execute brand guidelines for the USS that align with Virginia Tech guidelines.
Meet with the Vice President for Administration regularly.
Section 10: Director for Public Relations
Duties and responsibilities:
Responsible for all photography and videography for all USS events.
Coordinate internal committee information and marketing research management of the committee liaison system.
Meet regularly with the Director of Communications and Marketing.
Assist the Communications and Marketing Committee when needed.
Meet regularly with the Vice President for Administration.
Section 11: Director for Finance
Duties and responsibilities:
Collect and process all Payment Processing Forms.
Submit each year’s annual funding request for USS’ allocated funds to the Student Activity Fee Allocation Board (SAFAB).
Explore ways to maximize the spending of USS funds.
Analyze and explore options of how the USS can generate additional funds.
Work with the Vice President for Finance to create each year’s Master Budget.
Prepare and provide monthly, annual or as needed financial reports at Senate meetings.
Meet with the Deputy Director for the Undergraduate Student Senate regularly.
Report to the Vice President for Finance regularly.
Be capable of upholding availability over the summer for administrative duties as needed during periods when classes are not in session.